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YorPower Receive Silver Certification on our Carbon Neutral Journey

April 18, 2023

YorPower are happy to announce we have received a Silver Certification for our efforts to become a Carbon Neutral organisation. This certificate is awarded to companies that achieve carbon neutrality from an organisational emissions perspective.

This means that all scope 1, 2 and 3 of our organisational emissions have been calculated in accordance with ISO 14064 and the GHG Protocol corporate standard and have been offset using ICROA approved carbon offset credit to ensure our currently unavoidable emissions have been balanced.

Our journey:

With the government deadline of being net zero by 2050, as well as being aware of the emissions diesel generators cause, we proactively entered discussions with environmental, facilities management and software expert, Neutral Carbon Zone, to help set and achieve net zero goals. Our aim was clear: to track, slash and offset unavoidable emissions as quickly as possible.

Phase 1 – Silver:

This phase included working closely with Neutral Carbon Zone CEO, Alan Stenson, to track organisational emissions created from areas such as commuting, business travel and the many factors that enable us to run our head office and depots. Once our carbon footprint was calculated, we offset these by investing in the Hubei Pankou Hydropower project in China.  Located on the Du River in Hubei Province of China, this project generates clean electricity through a hydropower station with an installed capacity of 500MW. Thanks to the project, the local community can rely on renewable energy sources and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels as the main source of power generation, while the environment is spared from 782,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions on average per year.

With Phase 1 of 4 now complete we move into Phase 2.

Phase 2 – Gold:

We have now started to focus on our operational emissions. This phase includes a Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) based program that identifies the emissions of our services to ensure that all operational emissions have been calculated, reduced wherever possible, reported on and balance to ensure that the services we provide our clients are fully carbon managed. Our aim is to achieve complete carbon neutrality for all business and service emissions.

Once we have the calculations YorPower will only deliver services within the UK that include carbon offsetting.

We’re excited to proceed with our journey and hope to complete all 4 phases within the next year, making us the first full carbon neutral company in our industry.