Backup Diesel Generator for Biggest Brassica Producer in Britain
August 28, 2019
YorPower recently dispatched a standby Cummins diesel generator, along with battery charger, engine water heater and cable termination box to a customer in Lincolnshire. Here at YorPower, we are known for our premium after sales service which this customer was able to take full advantage of. A one year service contract has been taken out including one minor and one major visit per annum. The 400kVA Cummins genset will also be tested, installed and commissioned by YorPower.
Our customer specialises in the cultivation of vegetables, Brassicas in particular. In fact, they possess the largest production unit of Brassicas in Britain. Using 100, 000 acres of land and 600 employees, this highly successful vegetable farm has managed to create a unique and integrated production system, which delivers the highest efficiency and lowest risk in the industry. In order to keep the systems running in case of power failure, the client decided to purchase a reliable, high performance brand of diesel generator from YorPower. Being one of the biggest Cummins dealers in the UK, we have access to large amounts of stock which we can prepare and dispatch more quickly than our competition.
Aside from the great quality and taste of its food, our client prioritises sustainability. The two great issues that face companies today are water and energy, however, our client is meeting these challenges with industry leading solutions. They have invested in 16 water fill reservoirs and a network of water distribution infrastructure to ensure that they are uniquely placed to cope with ever more unpredictable weather patterns. The specialised farms also combine out of specification vegetables, together with energy crop in order to provide the input for a 1.4 MW biogas plant. This makes our client 100% self-sufficient in green electricity, as well as being able to provide heat, refrigeration and fertiliser. So, you might be thinking, where does a diesel generator come into all of this?
Firstly, let’s take a closer look at biogas plants and their function. Biogas is a clean renewable energy source of energy, made in a digester. The leftover organic material from the farms is poured into the tank and the matter is then heated to 40 degrees. Microorganisms decompose the substrate, producing “biogas.” After this fermentation process is complete, the residues can be used as fertiliser and the bio gas that is produced can, once combined with oxygen, can be used for burning in order to generate heat and electricity. A range of waste matter can be used to fuel biogas. In order to produce this type of fuel, plant waste from crop fields is a must, therefore making this system ideal for the veg growing company. This said, biogas plants require a lot of maintenance, energy and funds to maintain the digester at optimum temperature. Furthermore, what happens when crop yields are lower than expected?
A YorPower diesel generator is a safe backup alternative, providing a reliable source of voltage power which can then be used to power homes and businesses. Diesel generators produce electricity by using an alternator and a diesel engine. The power of the engine (RPM’s) is transformed by the alternator into a usable electrical current which can then be distributed. Diesel generators can also replace a the role of a UPS. A diesel generator can provide redundancy when the power grid undergoes and outage. This power redundancy allows businesses like this to maintain operations under any circumstances. A company like this, which controls mission critical applications can benefit from having a generator available as a reliable power source.