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York City Centre Floods Again

February 24, 2022

This is the exact reason the City of York required YorPower to install and commission 4 x 1250kW Cummins generators.

York has to contend with two rivers that flood each year and the Foss Barrier is used to mitigate flood water that builds up in the Foss basin. This year it was made worse by the impact of three major back to back storms that caused chaos across the UK. These generators are on standby and for back up in case the mains supply fails, which is extremely likely in these weather conditions.

YorPower installed and commissioned the 4 diesel generators 2 years ago and our sister company PPSPower, continue to offer full generator servicing and maintenance as well as any call out support for the generators.

For any large diesel generator projects you are considering, give us a call, we can probably help. Whether it be the supply, installation, commissioning or servicing of the generator, we’ll be on hand to help in the UK and worldwide.